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Test, Detect, and Protect

Penetration Testing is a crucial tool in the cybersecurity arsenal that can amplify your defenses. Essentially, this solution can ensure your defenses are secure and compromise-free.

Fortify your cyber defenses and unleash the power of proven penetration testing.

Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing

An important step of any cybersecurity assessment is discovering vulnerabilities in your network. Penetration testing methods are designed to simulate what would happen in a real-world attack. Our Penetration Testers are Certified Ethical Hackers and use a suite of attack scenarios that will exploit gaps in your network security. To put it another way, a penetration test will show you how a cybercriminal would exploit gaps in your environment to compromise your business, ransom your network, or otherwise damage you.

Our Penetration Testers leverage their experience from the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Defense (DoD) to provide clients with actionable steps toward mitigating their cyber risk. With so many common vulnerabilities and attack vectors that nearly every business must deal with, penetration testing can help identify opportunities for many of the most commonly used exploits. With new vulnerabilities every day, it is crucial that your business perform a penetration test at least once per year.

The Most Comprehensive Penetration Test

Our Penetration Tests Focus on the following 4 phases

Discovery Process

  • Gather information on existing processes
  • Passive and active reconnaissance
  • IT and cybersecurity capability review

Vulnerability Assessment

  • External and internal network scanning
  • Result analysis
  • Preliminary reporting of potential vulnerabilities

Penetration Testing

  • External and internal penetration testing
  • Result analysis
  • Web domain testing
  • Report preparation

Final Reporting

  • Final report preparation
  • Final report deliverable
  • Written executive summary
  • Executive debrief
  • Remediation guidance and support

Benefits of Penetration Testing

Vulnerability Identification

Penetration testing is a critical process that uncovers vulnerabilities like software bugs, misconfigurations, and weak authentication mechanisms.

Security Assessment

By mimicking real cyberattacks, pen tests provide insight into how well your organization's security measures hold up under pressure.

Operational Effectiveness

Automate routine tasks such as patch management, vulnerability scanning, and log monitoring. Detect and respond to security breaches proactively.

Meet Compliance

Many industries have regulatory standards that organizations must adhere to. Meet compliance requirements by ensuring that security controls function as expected.

Ready to Take a Look?

Experience cybersecurity that prevents threats at faster speed, greater scale, and higher accuracy.

SOC as an Alliant Cybersecurity Service

Managed Security Operations Center


Global Team of security analysts and experts proactively hunt, analyze and remediate threats around the clock


Scoring and triaging system provide deep contextualization and correlation across all the endpoints, devices and apps


SIEM and MDR tools detect, triage and provide remediation process before a breach can occur





Compliance and Security related questions, Cybersecurity Concerns, Logs from End points, Devices, apps (on-prem, SaaS), and Cloud Platforms

Alerting and Reporting

Alerting on anomalies and vulnerabilities, Security Strategy Advice, Incident Management, and Periodic Reports

Completely Customized Service

Businesses are now more aware than ever of the impact a cyber attack can have, from extortion and production downtime to reputational damage and potential litigation. Yet, the steps to address threats are often seen as an IT cost rather than a cost of doing business.

Managed SOC takes cybersecurity off your plate, by being your in-house defense and response team at a fraction of the cost of assembling your own team. If we see an event, behavior, or any suspicious activity, our security operations center will respond immediately to protect your business and people. A cybersecurity strategy that has data-driven threat intelligence and built-in analytics is critical, and that’s where Managed SOC delivers.


Dedicated Cybersecurity Engineers

Blue Sentinel, with its team of dedicated cybersecurity engineers provides a complete cyber service with the flexibility to scale to your needs and customized solutions to ensure you have a 24/7/365 coverage service that is built for you.

Through vulnerability assessments and proactive threat hunting, our security engineers actively look for evidence of a cyber-attack or event, collecting threat intelligence from open source intelligence and industry renowned threat intelligence feeds, identifying key indicators of compromise, and using our teams to respond to identified threats.

Test, Detect, and Protect

Penetration Testing is a crucial tool in the cybersecurity arsenal that can amplify your defenses. Essentially, this solution can ensure your defenses are secure and compromise-free. Fortify your cyber defenses and unleash the power of proven penetration testing.