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Cloud Security Challenges: How Cyber Security Companies Overcome the Most Common?

The advent of the cloud brought a revolution across the business world and fostered transformations here to stay for a long time. However, as with every other 21st-century technology, the cloud is also subject to security concerns – some of the most common ones include potential loss or theft of intellectual property, reduced visibility of the cloud environment, lateral attack spread, increased security complexities, etc.

However, because the cloud has become a necessity worldwide, you cannot choose to stay with cloud security challenges. Instead, you have to safeguard your business against them through a professional cybersecurity provider. Accordingly, here are five ways cybersecurity companies help overcome the most common cloud security concerns.

5 Ways Cybersecurity Companies Overcome Common Cloud Security Challenges

  1. Step by Step Cloud Migration

Cloud’s benefits, coupled with the competencies that it offers, encourage businesses to adopt the cloud and migrate to it as soon as possible. However, often a hassled adoption can expose critical assets and lead to security challenges.

Here, cybersecurity companies organize your journey toward complete cloud adoption through the following,

  • Step by step migration that involves moving redundant or non-critical data to the cloud
  • Understanding the CSP’s practices and the way the data is stored to minimize cloud security risk
  • Ensuring that the migration process does not hamper daily operations
  • Deploying a breach and attack simulation software during the migration process to identify hidden vulnerabilities, gaps, and user activities likely to be attacked.


  1. Verify Information Access to the Cloud

One of the critical aspects of cybersecurity is visibility. Accordingly, cybersecurity companies verify what information concerning the cloud environment will be accessible to you before signing an agreement. This way, you know the extent of visibility you would get into the cloud environment, thereby helping you exercise better security control.

  1. Limit User Visibility

Cybersecurity companies continuously monitor your cloud environment and notify you whenever there’s an attempt to gain unauthorized user access. They enable you to control shadow IT and maintain better user visibility through behavioral analytics. Further, they help you adopt a security posture that’s constantly monitored, tested, and thus help you overcome challenges such as the lack of adequate visibility in the cloud environment.

  1. Secure APIs

Insecure or compromised APIs are another crucial cloud security challenge for a lot of companies. In the case of insecure APIs, seasoned attackers exploit inadequate authentications or create vulnerabilities within an open-source code, the damage resulting from which could be significant, and in fact, detrimental to the entire network.

Here, cybersecurity companies help minimize these risks through close coordination with the developers and design APIs that prioritize appropriate multi-factor authentication and access control. Besides, they enable the highest possible levels of visibility into your cybersecurity environment. Having greater visibility and executing proper multi-factor authentication and access controls provide better protection from risks stemming from insecure APIs.


  1. Cloud Vendor Review and Assessment

You’ve chosen a CSP for your company. However, how do you assess the security aspect of the vendor’s cloud solutions? Remember, a wrong choice may put cloud security at risk. So, the answer is to hire a cybersecurity company. Cybersecurity experts deep dive into the cloud solution and inspect the CSP’s security measures, the compliance aspect, and the possibilities of implementing cloud solutions offered into your cybersecurity architecture and its suitability in the long run.

Need a cloud security expert? Talk to Alliant Cybersecurity and cloud security solutions specific to your business’s cloud security needs. For details, write an email to [email protected].