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IRS Secret Files Data Breach and Your Business

The recent story by ProPublica dubbed by their president Richard Tofel called “the most important story we have ever published” is gaining traction and attention. The IRS hosts highly sensitive tax information on every American citizen and business and such a breach is a violation of privacy entrusted to the IRS. Tax information is understood… Read More »IRS Secret Files Data Breach and Your Business

Meat Producer Victim of Hack – Supply Chain to Blame?

When major cyberattacks happen, most businesses do not tend to change their behavior to protect themselves. The recent Colonial Pipeline hack that caused widespread gas supply issues across the country should have served as a warning to all American businesses that they need to take cyber security more seriously. Now, major meat producer, JBS USA,… Read More »Meat Producer Victim of Hack – Supply Chain to Blame?

New Android Zero-Day Actively Exploited for Targeted Cyber Attacks

A new zero-day is under active exploitation in the wild targeting Android users. Though the bug has already received the fix, it is still a severe security issue for most of the Chinese phones with modified OS or phones will no OS / Security updates. This vulnerability, CVE-2020-11261, is a high-severity bug and has received… Read More »New Android Zero-Day Actively Exploited for Targeted Cyber Attacks

Move over California, Virginia is Here

With the passing of the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)[1], California has been center stage of data privacy compliance. However, this past month, Virginia now shares the stage. On March 2, 2021, Governor Ralph Northam signed into law the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (“VCDPA”).[2] The VCDPA is heavily influenced by both the CCPA and… Read More »Move over California, Virginia is Here

How to Check if you’re Vulnerable to Microsoft Exchange Server zero-days

Microsoft Exchange Server is a mail server and calendaring server developed by Microsoft. It runs exclusively on Windows Server operating systems. The first version was called Exchange Server 4.0, to position it as the successor to the related Microsoft Mail 3.5. Exchange initially used the X.400 directory service but switched to Active Directory later. Until… Read More »How to Check if you’re Vulnerable to Microsoft Exchange Server zero-days

Researchers Identified that Amazon Alexa Can Learn Malicious Skills

While Amazon Alexa skills facilitate users in their day-to-day activities, this personal assistant can go malicious as well. Researchers have found that vicious skills can bypass the Amazon Alexa skill vetting process. Researchers from the Ruhr-Bochum University have found how malicious skills can flood Amazon Alexa. Alexa skills are like third-party apps that run on… Read More »Researchers Identified that Amazon Alexa Can Learn Malicious Skills

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 5, Incident Response.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month has come and gone, but we would be remiss without addressing Incident Response.  Before we do, let’s recap the ground we’ve covered in the first four of five installments on a robust Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Program. Conduct an Assessment. Taking stock of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats from a holistic… Read More »Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 5, Incident Response.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 4, Compliance

With just one more week to go in Cybersecurity Awareness Month, let’s recap the ground we’ve covered in the first three of five installments before moving on to Phase 4, Compliance. Start your journey with a risk assessment. Taking stock of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats from a holistic viewpoint of People, Process, and… Read More »Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 4, Compliance

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 3, Managing Cybersecurity Risk

It is the middle of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Let’s recap the ground we’ve covered in the first two installments before moving on to Phase 3, Managing Cybersecurity Risk. Start your journey with a risk assessment. Taking stock of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats from a holistic viewpoint of People, Process, and Technology using a… Read More »Cybersecurity and Data Privacy – A journey, not a destination! Part 3, Managing Cybersecurity Risk